Monday, May 23, 2011

ayuh kembali ke sekolah!!!

cuti pown sudah abis...
tiket pown sudah ku beli...
bertarikh 28 ari bulan naik kul 10 bertempat larkin, johor..
naseb baek ade peneman....wohohohoo..
kalo dak...sorg2 la ak jwab nyer...
mmg ak nak balik ngan fiqri pown...
so senang ar kan..
plus2 agi dye ddk sebelah bilik je...mmg terbaik la..suke~~
25 ari bln...ade lah penentu nyer
result akan kuar...
x tau la ape akan dapat..
hanya mampu berserah je la...
semua da wat....tawakal je la..
hanya ak ingin kan semua lulus dengan keputusan terbaik..
x nak lagi dah repet nie....
penat...2 sem ak idup merana....
insyaallah result ak TERBAEK~~

cuti mmg kejap je...
1 bln je....
agak boring sbb xtau nak wat pe kan..
so cam 2 je la jawapn nyer
membina badan...
plus2 ngan nak dekat nak balik umi lagi rajin nak memasak...
layan kan je la..
suke ak tlg2 nie..
sbb best da minat kan.....
blaja ngan umi cara memasak ape salah nyer kan....
mak ak weh....hahahahaha...
lagsana, kek apple, roti, roti inti karipap, ikan bako, char koi....
bnyk lagi le....rajin gile.....
hahahaaha..ak gak yg kenyang...
nnt ak pown rindu la kat kolej.....
mmg la ak x balik.....rajin la sngt kan ak nak balik ari2...hhahhaa
da la jauh plus wet tmbng mahal...
mmg ak ikot je la jadual blajo..
time cuti balik time biase ddk je la kat u 2....
itu je la idea ak ngah ade...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

acara pada cuti sem3

nie ade lah kek apple ak wat ngan mak ak...
sedap giler!!!!! tp syg nyer da abis...huhhuu

ni pown same la di ats....

ini la kek nyer setelah masak
suke mkn tepi dye ranggup....garing...

ni pulak lagsana.....
sedap giler!!!
ni 1st time mkn nie.....
n 1st time wat....
cheese x byk sbb mahal...huhuhu
x pe next time wat lagi~~

ni lah dye lagsana 2....
patut nyer dye kene wat tebal2 cikit...
baru best!!!
but boleh la asal kan dapat mkn....
own made!!!


ak x phm ngah org sekeliling ak...
nape eh ngah korg...
family ak ok jer terima ak...
tetibe korg lak nak kate pape ngan ak nape ek??
ade ak wat salah ngan korg ker???
ade ak perangai mcm setan ker??
buruk sangat ke tingkah laku ak??
kalo ak wat something but my family can accept it...
yg korg sebok nak perbetulkan ak nape ek??
pliss la...ak wat bende yg x de kaitan ngan diri korg la.....
baik buruk ak x masuk dlm family ko la....
bkn ak heran ttg ape yg ko ckp kan...
da~~~ talk to my ASS!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

what im 20??

yes now my age is already 20....
even though not my bday yet...
im still saying my age is 20...
ya...i know that is number...
so my behavior still like childish....
i still cant get rid of the behavior...
i dont know why...
but a lot of thing i have to learn and remember....
every single thing i have to keep in my mind....
that gonna make me alert with what is happen in my surrounding...
learn from the mistake.....
keep moving forward..
many thing to do...
make my parent proud of me....
make my family also proud of me...
dont want any of my family look down on me....
i hope so all that kind thing are really happen to me..
so no need for me ashame with them...
i have to be strong!!!
because i will lead this family
and someday i will become leader..
soon or later...
i must face to faith...

and i will become the real me who that hiding inside of me...
no more become the other...
i will become my self!!!
i must confident with my self...
and i really fun with my life...
even though must through the pain, the happiness, the sadness, all many kind,
that all is call life....

happy mother's day UMI!!!

mom u are the best in d world...
i love u mom..
even i was very shamed to say this word...
but some time i have to say..
i really love u mom...
every single day u keep me stronger...
even though u now i fall down..
u give me strength to keep moving forward.....
u are the only one that i had...
cant be replace...
today is mother day...
and i nothing to do on this day...
i didnt do anything to make u happy...
as long u happy i also already happy...
im so sorry sorry sorry...
if i had make mistake wit u mother...
rise my voice..
mad wit u..
never hear what u say...
i sorry UMI....
u are my love, my angel, my friend, and my everything...

thank you bcause born me, feed me, teach me, scold me, bath me, and anything u have done to me....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

cuti part 3

naseb baik la cuti sem nie x lama...
kalo x BUSEN!!!!!
nie lom seminggu lagi nie....
persaan nak balik sane membuak2...hahahaah
ye la kan da naik part4...
excited nie...
25 may kuar result....
insyaallah lulus dengan cemerlang...
ak da cube yang terbaik...
ape yang ak target sume kuar...
da sem nie tidak mengecawakan sangat....
alhamdullilah ak dapat jawab sume soklan yang di berikan...
sekrng berserah je la...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

end of part 3

abis sudey semester 3...
sem nie lapan paper ok...
mcm dak PMR x....
tp mereka x mampoo mcm ak..
5 paper str8 non stop...
leh wat cam 2...
tp ak mampoo melakukan nyer..
ak yakin sem ni dapt naik kan pointer ak...

seronok amik BS (building survey) nie
sape kate x best...
kalo x best da lame ak quit...
part baru lah ak tau ape kah bs nie sebenarnyer..
pengalaman pown dpt....
dan sem nie lah sem terakhir ak jumpe senior2 yg ak rapat...
pas nie da x de da...
melain kan mereka repet...
ak x doa kan....hahahaahha
insyaallah deorg lulus dengan cemerlang amin~~
ak pown isyaallah cam2 gak la..
no more repet!!!!

cuti 1 month only...
akhir bln 5 naik balik....
and bermula lah sem 4...
as a pra- seniorita.....
like that moment...!!!
wish all the best and get good result in this sem..

gotta go....
nak tdo puas2!!!!!